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4041272  MonroeBidsGoods and ServicesNOTICE TO PROPOSERS - Monroe County is issuing requests for proposals for the following services. Request for proposal documents are available at There will be no formal opening of proposals. Responses must be received at the date, time and location identified in the request for proposal. RFP: Airport Security Guard and Patrol Services Proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2025 RFP: Foster Car03/14/2025
4041283  MOnroeBidsGoods and ServicesNOTICE TO PROPOSERS - The Board of Education of the Greece Central School District of the Town of Greece, County of Monroe, hereby invites the submission of the sealed proposals: RFP #25-0011 GYMNASIUM FLOOR REFINISHING Open: APRIL 8, 2025 @ 10:00am Sealed proposals will be received at the Purchasing Office located at 750 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14615, Room W-19 until 10:00 am, on April 8, 2025 at which point all proposals will be publicly opened. Specifications and forms are available at03/14/2025
4041253  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesYORK STREET APARTMENTS, LLC - Notice of Formation of York Street Apartments, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 2/25/25. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 17 Stonefield Place, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472. Purpose: any lawful activity. 4036949 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041255  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: SRR RT 364 LLC (the Company). Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 3/11/2025. NY Office location: Monroe County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any such process to: c/o Lippes Mathias LLP, 350 Linden Oaks, Suite 215, Rochester, New York. The Company is to be managed by one or more managers. No members of03/14/2025
4041258  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - MORALEC1 LLC has filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2025. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to 9 Waterbury Lane, Rochester, New York 14625. The purpose of the LLC is any lawful activity. 4036954 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041260  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - MONROE OPPORTUNITIES LLC has filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2025. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to 1080 Pittsford Victor Road, Suite 100, Pittsford, New York 14534. The purpose of the LLC is any lawful activity. 4036956 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041266  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - 2025 WESTSIDE CONSULTING LLC has filed Articles of Organization with the Secretary of State on March 11, 2025. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to 8056 Lemon Serpentine Lane, Delray Beach, Florida 33446. The purpose of the LLC is any lawful activity. 4036960 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041269  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesTRUCRAFT, LLC - Notice of formation of TruCraft, LLC ("LLC"). Articles of Organization filed with NY Secy of State ("SOS") on 2/12/25. Office of LLC is in Monroe County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SOS shall mail a copy of such process to LLC at 3 Candlewood Dr., Pittsford, NY 14534. LLC is formed to engage in any lawful activity for which an LLC may be formed under NY LLC law. 4036966 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t</sp03/14/2025
4041270  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - Notice of formation of limited liability company: Cassans Catering LLC (the Company). Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on December/23/2024. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to 626 West Main Street, Rochester, NY 14611 Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. 4036967 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t<03/14/2025
4041275  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION OF LEGASEA ESCAPE ROOMS LLC - The name of the limited liability company is LegaSea Escape Rooms LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the New York Department of State on February 26, 2025. The office location is in Monroe County, NY. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the limited liability company upon whom process against it may be served. The Secretary of State of New York shall mail a copy of process to 64 Pacer Drive, He03/14/2025
4041276  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesJESSIE L WILSON PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PLLC - Jessie L Wilson Physician Assistant PLLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 1/16/2025. Office: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the PLLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The PLLC, 629 Timothy Ln, Webster, NY 14580. Purpose: Physician Assistant. 4036973 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041277  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesFLEET PREPARED CONSULTING, LLC - Notice of Formation of Fleet Prepared Consulting, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 2/23/25. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 35 Shannon Glen, Fairport, NY 14450. Purpose: any lawful activity. 4036974 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041279  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesBRAYTON & TAIT, LLC - Notice of Formation of Brayton & Tait, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 2/27/25. Office location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Capitol Services, Inc., 1218 Central Ave, Ste 100, Albany, NY 12205. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. 4036976 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041280  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesBEHIND IT ALL WAREHOUSE LLC - Notice of Formation of Behind It All Warehouse LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec'y of State (SSNY) 8/7/14. Office location: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY shall mail process to: Farshid Khaki-Sadigh, 14 Edmonds St, Rochester, NY 14607. Purpose: any lawful activities. 4036977 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041281  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesAMOUNT COUNT LLC - Notice of Formation of Amount Count LLC. Art. of Org. filed Sec'y of State (SSNY) 2/28/25. Office location: Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY shall mail process to: 3575 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618-3532. Purpose: any lawful activities. 4036978 3-14-21-28;4-4-11-18-6t03/14/2025
4041267  MonroeGovernmentHearings and MinutesNOTICE - The Monroe County Airport Authority (MCAA) will hold a meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 2024 at 12:00 (NOON) at the Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport, 1200 Brooks Avenue, Rochester, New York 14624. 4036964 3-14-1t03/14/2025
4041569  MonroeGovernmentHearings and MinutesCITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER PRESERVATION BOARD - Wednesday April 2, 2025 Meeting with Staff: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM Conference Room, Room 223B PUBLIC HEARING Begins 6:00 PM City Council Chambers, Room 302A I. Public Hearing Please note that this hearing will take place in person at Rochester City Hall, 30 Church Street, Room 302A Case: 1 File Number: A-060-24-25 Case Type:03/14/2025
4041256  MonroeReal EstateTrustee SalesNOTICE OF SALE - SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE, KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs. CATHY CASEY AKA CATHERINE CASEY, AS HEIR, DEVISEE, DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD J. CASEY AKA DONALD JOSEPH CASEY, SR., DECEASED, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Order Confirming Referee Report and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on January 16, 2025, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Monroe County Hall of Justice, foreclosure auction area, lower lev03/14/2025
4040696  MonroeReal EstateTrustee SalesNOTICE OF SALE - SUPREME COURT MONROE COUNTY M&T BANK, Plaintiff against RICHARD BAKER A/K/A RICHARD K. BAKER, JR., et al Defendant(s) Attorney for Plaintiff(s) McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC, 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840, New York, NY 10170. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered September 19, 2023, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at Monroe County Office Building, Foreclosure Auction Area, Hall of Justice, Lower Level Atrium, 99 Exchange Boulevard03/13/2025
4040732  MonroeReal EstateTrustee SalesNOTICE OF SALE - SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF MONROE, US BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE FOR VRMTG ASSET TRUST, Plaintiff, vs. CATHERINE IMHOF, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Order Confirming Referee's Report and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on December 19, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Monroe County Hall of Justice, foreclosure auction area, lower level atrium, 99 Exchange Boule03/13/2025
4040710  MonroeGovernmentHearings and MinutesLEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the requirements of the Code of the Town of Greece, Section 211-66, a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York, at a regular session thereof, on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time, at the Greece Town Hall, 1 Vince Tofany Boulevard, Greece, New York, to consider the following proposal(s), to wit: 1. Applicant: John Page Addre03/13/2025
4040712  MonroeGovernmentHearings and MinutesLEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the requirements of the Code of the Town of Greece, Section 211-66, a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York, at a regular session thereof, on Wednesday, the 19th day of March 2025, at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time, at the Greece Town Hall, 1 Vince Tofany Boulevard, Greece, New York, to consider the following proposal(s), to wit: New Business 1. Applicant: Christine03/13/2025
4040731  MonroeGovernmentHearings and MinutesBRIGHTON LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the PLANNING BOARD of the TOWN OF BRIGHTON, Monroe County, at a meeting to be held at 680 Westfall Road, Empire State University (temporary home of the Brighton Town Hall) on Wednesday March19, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) for the purpose of considering, modifying, approving or disapproving the following listed applications. Written comments may be submitted to Jason Haremza, Executive Sec03/13/2025
4040692  MonroeBusinessLicense ApplicationsLEGAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Notice is hereby given that a license number 0524-24-27077 is pending for a Branch Office Permits liquor license that has been applied for, by Top Shelf Enterprises, to sell Beer, Wine and Cider at retail in a Bar/Tavern under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 23 Arlington St, Rochester, New York 14607, County of Monroe, for on-premises consumption. Top Shelf Enterprises D/B/A WeTheHobby 23 Arlington St, Rochester, NY 14607 <span aid:pstyle="AdBodyBottom"03/13/2025
4040694  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesDUTTWEILER STATISTICAL CONSULTING LLC - Duttweiler Statistical Consulting LLC filed Articles of Organization with the Department of State on 3/8/25. Its principal office is in Monroe County. The SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom service of process against the LLC may be served, and the address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of process is 58 Frostholm Drive, Rochester, NY. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful activity for which LLCs may be organized. <span aid:pstyle03/13/2025
4040700  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesGREY STREET WEST LLC - GREY STREET WEST LLC Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 2/25/2025. Off. Loc. : Monroe Co. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY to mail copy of process to The LLC, P.O. Box 484, Pittsford, NY 14534, USA. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. 4036438 3-13-20-27;4-3-10-17-6t03/13/2025
4040701  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesNOTICE OF FORMATION - Sustainable Soul Rochester LLC, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on December 22, 2024. Office location: 1281 Hilton Parma Corners Rd., Hilton, New York 14468, Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 1281 Hilton Parma Corners Rd, Hilton, New York 14468. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 4036440 303/13/2025
4040704  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesKDF COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING, LLC - KDF Communications Consulting, LLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/4/2025. Office: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, 10 Sibleyville Ln, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472. Purpose: any lawful act. 4036444 3-13-20-27;4-3-10-17-6t03/13/2025
4040706  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesGIRL PLOWER LANDSCAPING LLC - GIRL PLOWER LANDSCAPING LLC filed Arts. of Org. with the Sect'y of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/1/2022. Office: Monroe County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: The LLC, PO Box 24210, Rochester, NY 14624. Purpose: any lawful act. 4036445 3-13-20-27;4-3-10-17-6t03/13/2025
4040720  MonroeBusinessNew Business Name EntitiesBRONSON HILL WEST LLC - BRONSON HILL WEST LLC. Filed with SSNY on 12/26/2024. Office: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to: PO BOX 54, SCOTTSVILLE, NY 14546. Purpose: Any Lawful 4036464 3-13-20-27;4-3-10-17-6t03/13/2025